About VIA

VIA is the cluster for safe, smart and sustainable transport infrastructure.
We work to strengthen the competitiveness of Norwegian companies in the industry

about VIA

About Via Cluster

VIA is a cluster for the safe, smart and sustainable development of roads, tunnels and bridges. The aim of the cluster is to bolster member opportunities for the commercialisation of new technologies and new solutions. Like right here at the Innovation Arena.

Our vision

We aim to be a global leader within safe, smart and sustainable transport infrastructure.

Our team

Chief operations officer
Business developer
Head of Communications
Project Manager

Anita Iren Skjølingstad

Project Developer FoU

Solveig Standal Skåravik

Project Developer FoU
Business Developer


Anne Stine Johnson

Leder teknologi, Nye Veier AS

Ing-Cristine Ericson

Avdelingsdirektør, Statens vegvesen

Grethe Gullhaug

Partner, CMS Kluge

Vibeke Nossum

Forskningssjef, Sintef

Trond Hovland

Daglig leder, ITS Norway

Espen Lauvlund Nilsen

Prosjektleder, Troms fylkeskommune

Matthias Hundt

Avdelingsleder Samferdsel og Infrastruktur, Multiconsult

Ketil Solvik-Olsen

Daglig leder, Seabrokers Fundamentering

Terje Hundere

Daglig leder, Aventi Intelligent

Henning Lysgaard

HMSK leder, B&G


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the monthly cost of your app?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit posuere vel venenatis, eu sit massa. Volutpat massa rhoncus odio feugiat tellus elit massa sed ullamcorper a in.

Do you have any local branches?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit posuere vel venenatis, eu sit massa. Volutpat massa rhoncus odio feugiat tellus elit massa sed ullamcorper a in.

What do I need to create an account?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit posuere vel venenatis, eu sit massa. Volutpat massa rhoncus odio feugiat tellus elit massa sed ullamcorper a in.

Is the service available globally?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit posuere vel venenatis, eu sit massa. Volutpat massa rhoncus odio feugiat tellus elit massa sed ullamcorper a in.

How do I create an account?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit posuere vel venenatis, eu sit massa. Volutpat massa rhoncus odio feugiat tellus elit massa sed ullamcorper a in.

Do you have iOS and Android apps?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit posuere vel venenatis, eu sit massa. Volutpat massa rhoncus odio feugiat tellus elit massa sed ullamcorper a in.